۱۳۹۲ شهریور ۲۷, چهارشنبه

اعضاي پارلمان بريتانيا مصرانه خواهان استقرار نيروهاي كلاه آبي سازمان ملل در كمپ ليبرتي شدند

اعضاي پارلمان بريتانيا مصرانه خواهان استقرار نيروهاي كلاه آبي سازمان ملل در كمپ ليبرتي شدند
سايت اسكوپ 27/6/92

اعضاي پارلمان بريتانيا مصرانه خواهان استقرار نيروهاي كلاه آبي سازمان ملل در كمپ ليبرتي شدند
  18سپتامبر 2013 [تاريخ دريافت خبرگزاري] - سايت اسكوپ - ساعت خبر ندارد -
بيانيه مطبوعاتي: كميته پارلماني بريتانيا براي آزادي ايران (British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom (BPCIF
اعضاي پارلمان بريتانيا خواهان استقرار كلاه آبيهاي سازمان ملل در كمپ  ليبرتي و تضمين حفاظت و امنيت مخالفان ايراني در عراق هستند
اعضاي پارلمان خواهان يك تحقيقات مستقل در مورد قتل‌عام در كمپ اشرف و آزادي هفت گروگان هستند
  در يك  كنفرانس عمده با شركت  احزاب مختلف كه    توسط كميته پارلماني بريتانيا براي آزادي ايران، سازماندهي شده بود اعضاي پارلمان از هر دو مجلس [بريتانيا] كشتار اول سپتامبر در كمپ اشرف توسط نيروهاي مسلح عراق كه تحت فرماندهي نوري مالكي نخست‌وزير اين كشور قرار دارند را محكوم كردند. در اين حملات 52نفر از ساكنان كشتار وهفت نفر نيز به گروگان گرفته شدند كه شش تن از آنان از زنان هستند...
اعضاي پارلمان و وكلاي برجسته حقوق‌بشري و شخصيتهاي شركت‌كننده در اين كنفرانس خواهان آزادي فوري هفت گروگان توسط دولت عراق شدند و از سازمان ملل خواستار استقرار يك پايگاه ثابت از كلاه آبيهاي سازمان ملل در كمپ ليبرتي شدند...
[تعدادي از] سخنرانان عبارت بودند از ديويد ايمس و آلن ميل از اعضاي پارلمان انگليس، دولت نوروزي نماينده شوراي ملي مقاومت در بريتانيا، لرد مگنس، طاهر بومدرا رئيس سابق حقوق‌بشر يونامي در عراق و آقاي لارس رايز عضو سابق پارلمان نروژ كه قبلاً از كمپ اشرف ديدار كرده بود...
دكتر طاهر بومدرا مقام سابق سازمان ملل گفت ”واقعيت در مورد كمپ اشرف اين است كه هيچ‌كسي نمي‌تواند بدون اجازه نامه رسمي از دولت، ارتش و پليس عراق وارد كمپ اشرف شود. ما متأسفانه شاهد حمله ديگري به كمپ ليبرتي خواهيم بود مگر اين‌كه جامعه بين‌المللي براي متوقف نمودن جنايات عليه بشريت دست به اقدام بزند“.... «
MPs Urge Deployment of UN Blue Helmet Forces In Camp Liberty
Wednesday, 18 September 2013, 1:41 pm
Press Release: British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom
MPs Call For Deployment of UN Blue Helmet Forces In Camp Liberty
MPs call for an independent probe into the massacre at Camp Ashraf and the release of seven hostages
Call for deployment of UN Blue Helmet forces in Camp Liberty and guaranteeing protection and security of the Iranian dissidents in Iraq
In a cross party parliamentary conference organised by the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, MPs from both Houses of Parliament condemned the massacre of 1 September at Camp Ashraf by Iraqi armed forces under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's command at the behest of the Iranian regime. In the attacks, 52 residents were slaughtered and seven were taken hostage, including six women.
The speakers in the Westminster conference strongly condemned the appalling Ashraf massacre and said the Iraqi government must be held to account. MPs and renowned human rights lawyers and personalities asked for urgent release of the seven hostages by Iraq while calling on the UN to station a permanent Blue Helmet team at Camp Liberty. The conference further called for the provision of urgent protective equipment at Camp Liberty, including double-layered roofs for trailers and the return of T-walls and concrete bunkers.
Speakers included David Amess MP, Alan Meale MP, Dowlat Nowrouzi UK Representative of NCRI, Lord Maginnis of Drumglass, Tahar Boumedra, former head of UNAMI's human rights section, Margaret Owen, OBE, barrister and renowned human rights lawyer, Malcolm Fowler, member of Human Rights Committee in Law Society, Mr Lars Rise, former Norwegian MP who has visited Camp Ashraf.
Baroness O'Loan, Member of Joint Human Rights Committee of the British Parliament, Brian Binley MP, Matthew Offord MP and Steven McCabe MP, also sent messages to the conference.
Sir Alan Meale, MP stated “The international community must come together and prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and bring this case to the International criminal court in The Hague.”   
Lord Maginnis emphasised “We have allowed UNAMI (United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq) to downplay the truth of what occurred during the past 5 massacres and worryingly, the diplomatic missions in Iraq rely on UNAMI and its reports. This hides the crimes of Prime Minister Maleki.”
Mr David Amess, Conservative Member of Parliament and Chairman of the BPCIF stated “We want action. We must insist on the immediate release of the seven hostages, the stationing of UN blue helmets and a US monitoring team at Camp Liberty 24-7. Iran is about to lose what it describes as its 35th state, Syria, and that is why it wants to get rid of its opposition in Iraq. We must isolate this regime and sanctions must be brought to ensure freedom for the people of Iran.”
Dr. Tahar Boumedra former UN official said: “The reality of Camp Ashraf is that no one could penetrate Camp Ashraf without the express permission of the Iraqi government, army and police. This attack was ordered by the government of Iraq. We will unfortunately witness another attack in Camp Liberty unless the international community acts to stop these atrocious crimes against humanity.’’
Mr Brian Binley, Conservative MP said in a message to the conference that “I have been in correspondence with the Secretary-General and will continue to do so and urge the UN to station a permanent Blue Helmet force in Camp Liberty.”
Mr Lars Rise, former Member of the Norwegian Parliament said “This was a serious and clear crime against humanity and the Iraqi regime is the main suspect. We should not allow the suspects of a crime to investigate the crime.”
Ms. Dowlat Nowrouzi, the UK Representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said “Based on the principle of non-refoulement the Iraqi government cannot extradite the 7 hostages to Iran. All residents are protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The UN must station its blue helmet forces at Camp Liberty. The FCO, the US and the UN should put pressure on the Iraqi government to provide safety and security to the Camp Liberty. This includes the return of 17,500 T-walls to camp Liberty which was previously removed by the Iraqi government and other security measures.”
Baroness O'Loan, stated that “I call on Prime Minister al-Maliki to do all he can to immediately secure the release of the hostages. I call on our government, the US government and the UN to ensure a proper investigation takes place into this massacre.”
Malcolm Fowler of the Law Society said “I am here on behalf of 160,000 members of the Law Society to strongly condemn the mass execution of 52 residents of Camp Ashraf and we call on the Foreign Office to take robust action to protect these civilians”.
Margaret Owen, OBE stated ‘The perpetrators and the Iraqis and the Iranians must be held accountable. The 7 hostages must be released immediately.’’
The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom
12 September 2013