اصلي: بلومبرگ 6/7/92
بلومبرگ، 28سپتامبر 2013
رايس مي گويد تعهد اتمي ايران ممكن است منجر به عادي شدن روابط گردد
رايس گفت، تماس تلفني ديروز باراك اوباما با حسن روحاني ممكن است منجر به پروسه عاديسازي
روابط ديپلوماتيك گردد.
گفت، ايران ابتدا بايد مسير تعهدش در دنبال كردن انرژي اتمي تنها براي مقاصد
صلح آميز را طي كند و حمايت از تروريستها را متوقف نمايد.
رايس در برنامه جي پي اس فريد ذكريا كه روز يكشنبه پخش ميشود، اظهار
داشت كه مذاكرات در ماه آينده هنگاميكه ديپلماتها در ژنو گردهم آيند ”با
جديت شروع خواهد شد“.
گفت: ”اين مسيري است كه زود است مسلم بدانيم كه آيا چشمانداز يك توافق در مورد
برنامه اتمي كه ما اميدواريم قادر به دستيابي به آن باشيم، وجود خواهد
داشت، اما ما كاملاً درباره پتانسيل آن هوشيار هستيم“.
گفت: ”در صورتيكه ما بتوانيم يك قطعنامه صلحآميز در مورد اين برنامه اتمي داشته
باشيم و به حمايت ايران از تروريسم و ديگر رفتار كه طي ساليان ما را نگران كرده
است خاتمه دهيم، آنوقت ما ميتوانيم يك بحث جدي در مورد آينده را شروع
Title: Rice Says Iran ' s Nuclear Pledge May Lead to
Normalized Relations
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B y Jeff Kearns
i t y Adviser Susan Rice said U.S.President Barack Obama '
s phone call yesterday with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani could begin the
process of normalizing diplomatic relations.
Iran must first follow through on its pledge to seek
nuclear power only for peaceful purposes and stop supporting terrorists ¡ she
said. Negotiations " will begin in earnest " next month when
diplomats gather in Geneva ¡ Rice said on CNN ' s " Fareed Zakaria GPS
" program ¡ scheduled for broadcast tomorrow.
" It ' s way too soon to presume either the prospect
of an agreement on the nuclear program ¡ which we hope to be able to achieve ¡
but we ' re quite sober about the potential for that ¡ " Rice said. "
If we could have a peaceful resolution of the nuclear program and an end to
Iran ' s support for terrorism and other behavior that has concerned us over
many years ¡ then we could begin a serious discussion about the future. "
Rice was the U.S.ambassador to the United Nations from
2009 until June ¡ when Obama named her as his national security adviser. During
her UN tenure former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered
anti-Western and anti-Semitic diatribes to the world body. Rouhani ¡ who took
over last month ¡ was elected on a pledge to ease Iran ' s global isolation.
Obama said after the phone call with the Iranian leader
that there may be the " basis for a resolution " on the nuclear
program and that Rouhani " indicated that Iran will never develop nuclear
weapons. " The conversation was the highest-level U.S.-Iranian encounter
since before Iran ' s Islamic revolution of 1979.
Sanctions on Iran will remain in effect until it satisfies
its obligations under UN Security Council resolutions and commits in the
planned negotiations to only seek nuclear power for peaceful purposes ¡ Rice
told CNN.
' Be Skeptical ' " We and others in the international
community have every reason to be skeptical of that and we need to test it ¡
and any agreement must be fully verifiable and enforceable ¡ " Rice said.
The two heads of state spoke in advance of a Sept. 30
meeting at the White House between Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu ¡ who has expressed deep skepticism about the motives behind Rouhani
' s outreach and suggested Iran is trying to buy time to develop the capability
to make a nuclear weapon.
Rice said U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry and
counterparts from five other world powers had a " constructive discussion
" last week with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif ¡ who proposed
reaching an accord within a year.
Iran ' s pursuit of nuclear technology has led Obama and
his allies in Europe to tighten economic sanctions and the U.S.and Israel to
threaten military action to prevent the Islamic republic from obtaining nuclear
weapons. Iran denies that it ' s seeking to do so.
Striking Syria On Syria ¡ Rice said the U.S.reserves the
option to take unilateral military action if President Bashar al-Assad ' s
government doesn ' t comply with the UN resolution requiring it to surrender
its chemical weapons.
" It ' s very significant that this strong and
binding resolution ¡ which holds Syria to the obligation that the United States
and Russia negotiated in Geneva ¡ will in fact envision very explicitly further
consequences in the case of non-compliance ¡ " Rice said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Jeff Kearns in
Washington at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Chris
Wellisz at
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