۱۳۹۲ آبان ۴, شنبه

دولت عراق و گروگانهاي ايراني

منبع خبر: سايت هيل

تاريخ: 3/8/92

عنوان خبر: دولت عراق و گروگانهاي ايراني [بقلم: برايان بينلي عضو پارلمان انگلستان]


منبع اصلي: سايت هيل 3/8/92

متن خبر:

دولت عراق و گروگانهاي ايراني

25اكتبر 2013 - سايت هيل [نشريه كنگره]  

 - ساعت خبر 2300 بوقت بغداد

- نويسنده: برايان بينلي عضو پارلمان انگلستان

شكنجه غيرقابل توصيف و احتمال قوي اعدام قريب‌الوقوع در انتظار هفت گروگان از مخالفان ايراني است آنها در حال حاضر به‌صورت غيرقانوني در بازداشت نيروهاي عراقي قرار دارند. و به‌نظر مي‌رسد كه آشكارا جامعه بين‌المللي در حال نظاره كردن و در انتظار وقوع اين مسأله است.

مخالفان اسير ساكنان كمپ اشرف بودند، كمپ اشرف زماني يك زمين باير بود كه توسط ساكنان تبعيدي ايراني تبديل به يك جامعه مدرن شده بود و ساكنان آن را براي نزديك به ربع قرن خانه خود مي‌دانستند..

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از 100نفر ساكنان باقي مانده در كمپ اشرف كه همگي افراد حفاظت‌شده بودند 52 به‌طور قساوت‌باري به قتل رسيدند... اين تراژدي هولناك به‌طور وسيعي از جانب ايالات متحده امريكا، وزارت‌خارجه انگلستان، سازمان ملل و عفو بين‌الملل محكوم گرديده است...

به‌رغم ادعاهاي دولت عراق كه تأكيد دارد هيچ گروگاني در بازداشت آن قرار ندارد، شواهد قوي ظهور كرده كه عكس اين ادعا را نشان مي‌دهد...

كاترين اشتون رئيس سياست خارجي اتحاديه اروپا در نامه‌يي به پارلمان اروپا در 19سپتامبر گفت ”ما دلايلي در اختيار داريم كه بر اساس آنها معتقديم كه هفت نفر از ساكنان كمپ اشرف در نزديكي بغداد نگهداري مي‌شوند خطر قابل توجه‌يي براي تحويل آنها به ايران وجود دارد”.

مازاد بر اين مدركي كه اخيراً به‌دست مقاومت ايران رسيده است نشان مي‌دهد كه گروگانها تحت كنترل شخصي نوري مالكي قرار دارند، كسي كه متحد اعلام شده آمريكا مي‌باشد. با چنين اقدام بي‌شرمانه‌ئي توسط نوري مالكي كه يك متحد و بهره‌مند از مزاياي ايالات متحده آمريكا و اتحاديه اروپا است نبايد با سكوت برخورد گردد... ايالات متحده آمريكا و اتحاديه اروپا موظف هستند تا خواستار آزادي اين گروگانهاي زنداني گردند... به‌طور مشخص اتحاديه اروپا و خصوصا ايالات متحده آمريكا داراي نفوذ بوده و هرگونه بي‌عملي غيرقابل توجيه است...

ايالات متحده بايد از ديدار نوري مالكي از آمريكا تا زمانيكه اين گروگانها آزاد نشده‌اند ممانعت به‌عمل آورد. اتحاديه اروپا و ايالات متحده هم‌چنين داراي اين توان و قدرت هستند كه تا زمانيكه اين شهروندان غيرنظامي بيگناه در بازداشت قرار دارند تهديد به بررسي مجدد روابط نظامي و اقتصادي خود [با دولت نوري مالكي] بنمايند...

ضروري نيست كه اين اقدامات [عليه دولت نوري مالكي] محدود به اتحاديه اروپا و ايالات متحده باشد چرا كه حضور نيروهاي سازمان ملل مي‌تواند از كشتار بيشتر 3000 شهروند ايراني ساكن در كمپ ليبرتي جلوگيري نمايد... چنين اقدامي در همراهي با انجام يك تحقيقات مستقل [در رابطه با كشتار و گروگانگيري اول سپتامبر در كمپ اشرف] مي‌تواند كمك زيادي در حفظ امنيت جاني اين شهروندان غيرنظامي [در ليبرتي] داشته باشد...

جان هفت گروگان بيگناه اشرف در يك وضعيت نابسامان و بلاتكليفي قرار دارد و ما بايد تمامي اقداماتي را كه مي‌توانيم براي تضمين سلامتي آنها انجام دهيم. زمان اعتراض به اين وضعيت فرا رسيده است.







Iraqi government and Iranian hostages


By Brian Binley MP


- 10/25/13 02:00 PM ET


Unspeakable torture and a high possibility of impending death awaits seven Iranian dissidents who are currently being held illegally by Iraqi forces. And it seems the international community is simply watching and waiting until this becomes a reality.


The incarcerated dissidents were residents of Camp Ashraf, a once barren piece of land, which was transformed into a modern community by its exiled Iranian residents who have called it home for nearly a quarter century.


The residents of the camp, all members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) were originally granted "protected persons status" under the 4th Geneva Convention by both the US and the UN. As former Vermont Governor and DNC Chairman Howard Dean put it, "When we disarmed them, we promised them in writing that each one of them has a piece of paper that says that the United States would protect them. We have not done that."


The seven Iranian unarmed dissidents (six of them women) have been held hostage since the early morning of September 1, when Iraqi forces burst into Camp Ashraf at the behest of the Iranian regime. The camp’s residents, who consisted of unarmed civilians, were guilty of no crime, other than their opposition to Iran’s regime, yet the Iraqi Special Forces paid no heed to their legal protection.


Of the 100 remaining residents of Camp Ashraf, all of whom have been individually classified as "protected persons", 52 were mercilessly slaughtered. In the aftermath of the attack, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) found that most of the victims were handcuffed or tied and indiscriminately shot in the head.


For the few who were lucky enough to survive the initial horrors and were taken to a medical clinic for treatment, a similar fate awaited. Instead of meeting doctors, these unfortunate civilians were met by trained assassins, whose grim job was not to save life, but to end it.


This terrible tragedy has led to widespread condemnation, from the U.S., UK Foreign Office, U.N. and Amnesty International. While no action will erase what happened for those who lost family, friends and loved ones, inaction by the international community will add to the heartbreak and injustice.


Despite claims by the Iraqi government, which insists that it is not holding any hostages, strong evidence has surfaced to indicate otherwise.


On September 13, the U.N. High Commissioner of Refugees released a statement, which declared; "According to reports reaching UNHCR, seven individuals formerly residing in Camp New Iraq disappeared from the Camp on 1 September, are being held somewhere in Iraq."


Catherine Ashton, High Commissioner of the E.U. echoed the UNHCR’s statements in a letter to the European Parliament on September 19th stating, "we have reason to believe that up to seven camp residents are being held in captivity near Baghdad, and that there is a significant risk that they could be sent to Iran."


Further a documents recently leaked to the Iranian resistance indicate that the hostages are under the personal control of Nouri al-Maliki, the proclaimed ally of the United States. Such a brazen act by an ally and beneficiary of the U.S. and E.U. must not be met with silence.


In order to maintain credibility with respect to the Iranian regime, whilst upholding international law and humanitarian values, the U.S. and E.U. are obliged to demand the prisoner’s release.


Clearly the E.U. and especially the U.S. have leverage and inaction is simply untenable.


Furthermore, the United States must deny Maliki the honor of a state visit until the hostages are released. The E.U. and U.S. also have the ability to threaten a review of military and economic ties if these innocent civilians continue to be incarcerated.


Each of these actions would help to safeguard the lives of those being held hostage and show that Iraqi actions at the behest of Iran, especially when involving civilians, will not be tolerated.


Actions need not be confined to the E.U. and U.S. since a U.N presence would also help prevent further carnage involving the 3,000 Iranian civilians, many of them children, who are stationed in and around Camp Liberty. Such action, coupled with an independent investigation would do much to safeguard innocent lives.


These actions will not come easily and silence by individuals will assure the silence of governments and consequently their complicity in the murder of innocents. It is up to those willing to speak up in order to stop the slaughter of civilians to do so!


Lives of seven innocent Ashraf hostages hang in the balance and we must do all we can to ensure their safety. It’s time to speak out!


Binley is a Conservative member of the UK House of Commons and president of the International Parliamentary Campaign in Defence of Ashraf and Liberty (IPCDA).




Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/foreign-policy/330649-iraqi-government-and-Iranian-hostages#ixzz2il9r5nBM

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