۱۳۹۲ شهریور ۱۵, جمعه

Massacre in Ashraf and collective execution – No. 30


Commemoration ceremony for martyrs of Ashraf massacre and call on the United States and the UN Security Council by Maryam Rajavi for:

 Urgent action for immediate release and return of seven hostages, deployment of blue helmets in Ashraf and Liberty, and independent international investigation to prevent recurrence of crime against humanity

On Friday, September 6, in a ceremony commemorating martyrs of the September 1st massacre in Ashraf, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance called on the United States, the UN Secretary-General, and the Security Council to act urgently to expeditiously free and return the seven PMOI members taken hostage by Maliki’s forces. She underscored that this crime once again proved a reality that the Iranian Resistance has been reiterating since 2008, namely that the Iraqi forces are in no way competent to protect Ashraf residents and therefore, to prevent recurrence of the massacre and crime against humanity, and to provide the minimum guarantee for protection of Ashraf and Liberty residents, it is necessary for UN blue helmets to be stationed in Ashraf and Liberty.

Rajavi said: “Forming an international fact-finding mission and conducting impartial and comprehensive investigation into the massacre of September 1st in Ashraf is an imperative step to prevent recurrence of crime against humanity in Ashraf and Camp Liberty. Had these investigations been conducted by UN and U.S. after the July 2009 and or April 2011, today, the criminals would have thought twice before resorting to such a massacre and would have paid a much higher price.”

Mrs. Rajavi added: “Three missile attacks on Camp Liberty in the recent seven months have left no doubt about its insecurity. Camp Liberty may be targeted by the next missile attack at any moment and vital measures to provide its security such as returning of the T-walls; transfer of helmets, protective vests, and medical equipment; and expansion of camp’s area are urgent.”

Maryam Rajavi warned the U.S. government, the European Union, and the United Nations on the absence of an urgent action regarding this massacre and the collective and extrajudicial executions and stated that this inaction and turning of a blind eye on this massacre would solely embolden the commanders and operatives of these crimes. She emphasized: “This inaction is while all 52 martyrs of the Ashraf massacre and the seven hostages have been protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention and as repeatedly stipulated by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees are asylum-seekers and ‘people of concern’.”

Mrs. Rajavi stressed: “The 52 individuals killed in the September 1st massacre were part of the one-hundred people who remained in Ashraf according to a quad-lateral agreement between Ashraf residents, the United States, the United Nations, and the Iraqi government to protect residents’ properties.”

President-elect of the Iranian Resistance added: “Because of the great internal and external crises, the regime of the Velayat-e faqih that is on the verge of demise and its puppet government in Iraq, are more than ever in need of and poised for such bloody and criminal attacks. They have prepared operation plans for these attacks and absent effective international reaction, will implement their ominous intents.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

September 6, 2013